How Many Kids Does Queen Camilla Have?

Queen Camilla, the wife of King Charles III, has no biological children of her own. However, through her marriage to King Charles, she has two stepchildren: Prince William and Prince Harry.

King Charles and Camilla married in 2005, but their relationship dates back decades. They first met in 1970 and had an on-again, off-again romance over the years before finally marrying. During the periods they were not together, both Charles and Camilla had children with other partners.

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Charles’ Children With Princess Diana

King Charles was first married to Princess Diana from 1981 to 1996. During their marriage, Charles and Diana had two sons together:

  • Prince William – Born in 1982, now first in line to the British throne after his father. Married to Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. They have three children together: Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.
  • Prince Harry – Born in 1984, currently sixth in line to the throne. Married to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. They have two children together: Archie and Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor.

After Charles and Diana divorced in 1996, Diana tragically died in a car accident the following year in Paris. Charles was granted custody of their two sons, who were 15 and 12 at the time.

So while Camilla has helped raise William and Harry over the years, especially after marrying their father, she is not their biological mother. Diana is the only woman who had children with King Charles.

Camilla’s Children With Andrew Parker Bowles

Prior to marrying Charles, Camilla was married to Andrew Parker Bowles from 1973 to 1995. They had two children together during their marriage:

  • Tom Parker Bowles – Born in 1974, he is a food writer and critic. Married to Sara Buys. They have two children together: Lola and Freddy.
  • Laura Lopes – Born in 1978, she is an art curator. Married to Harry Lopes. They have three children together: Eliza, Gus, and Louis.

Camilla’s daughter Laura occasionally takes on royal duties and is involved in some charity work, but neither she nor her brother have royal titles. They live relatively private lives compared to William and Harry.

So in total, while Camilla has four step-grandchildren through Charles, she does not have any biological children of her own. Her only two children are from her previous marriage to Andrew Parker Bowles, born well before she married into the royal family.

Why Didn’t Camilla Have Children With Charles?

When Camilla and Charles first got together in the 1970s, having children was reportedly not a priority for them at the time. Their relationship was sporadic over the decades, and they married relatively late in life compared to most royal couples.

Some key reasons Camilla and Charles never had children of their own include:

  • Age – By the time they married in 2005, Camilla was 57 and past typical childbearing years. Charles was also older, age 56 at their wedding.
  • Timing – They had an on-again, off-again romance over 30+ years. The periods where they were both single and could have started a family did not overlap.
  • Status – For much of their relationship, Camilla was married to someone else. Charles was also either married or single and heir to the throne. Having a child out of wedlock would have created scandal.
  • Positions – Once married, as heir and wife they likely wanted to keep the focus on Charles’ existing sons William and Harry, the future kings.
  • Public opinion – Camilla was initially very unpopular following Charles’ divorce from Diana. Pregnancy may have been seen as insensitive.

While things may have been different under other circumstances, Camilla ultimately did not have any children with Charles. Their heirs remain William and Harry from Charles’ first marriage to Diana.

How Did Queen Camilla’s Life Change After Marrying Into the Royal Family?

Queen Camilla experienced major changes in her personal and public life when she took on her new royal role as wife of the heir to the British throne, including:

Change in Status and Title

  • Went from being a private citizen to a senior working member of the royal family overnight.
  • Received the title Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall upon marrying Charles in 2005.
  • Will be known as Queen Consort when Charles becomes King, a significant elevation.

Increase in Public Profile

  • Went from relative anonymity to worldwide fame and media scrutiny almost instantly.
  • Took on extensive public duties, charitable work and royal engagements.
  • Became the subject of endless media coverage, photography and public interest.

New Responsibilities and Workload

  • Required to actively support Charles in his royal duties and serve as his consort.
  • Expected to take on patronages and causes of her own and serve as a role model.
  • Needs to make public speeches, host events, unveil plaques, attend state dinners, travel abroad regularly to represent the Crown.

Change in Lifestyle

  • Moved into Clarence House, a royal residence, after the wedding and gave up previous home.
  • Went from a comfortable upper-class lifestyle to the extremes of royalty with servants, luxury, security details, etc.
  • Constantly surrounded by staff and assistants catering to every need.

Less Privacy and Freedom

  • Lost a lot of personal privacy – constant media and public interest in her private life and activities.
  • Requires extensive security everywhere she goes. Travels by royal convoy.
  • Needs permission for almost everything she does. Highly scheduled life.

Intense Scrutiny and Criticism

  • Subjected to huge media coverage and commentary, not all positive. Tabloid interest.
  • Had to work to overcome negative public perceptions from the past. Efforts to rehabilitate her image.
  • Actions constantly analyzed. Clothing, causes, behaviors critiqued by the press and public.

So in almost every area of life – status, work, lifestyle, privacy, public image – Camilla’s world was transformed following her royal marriage to Prince Charles. It led to major increases in duties, scrutiny and luxury that few could imagine.

How Has Queen Camilla Handled the Changes?

By all accounts, Camilla has handled the epic transition into royal life very smoothly and successfully:

  • Fulfilling royal duties – Camilla has taken on a full schedule of royal engagements tirelessly. She is reportedly a comforting presence for her husband and works hard to support him.
  • Winning over the public – It took time, but regular public appearances have gradually won over critics. Her down-to-earth personality charms crowds.
  • Patronages and causes – She has championed key issues close to her heart, especially literacy, sexual assault victims and poverty.
  • Quiet strength – Camilla has weathered intense media scrutiny and remained dignified. She provides stabillity despite the demands.
  • Sense of humor – The queen retains her wit and laughter. She does not take herself too seriously and makes jokes about the absurdities of royal life.
  • Graciousness – Her warmth, graciousness and kindness to others is evident. She is approachable and genuine.

Years into her new royal life, Queen Camilla appears to have adapted remarkably well. She has overcome a difficult public perception battle to become a respected senior member of the Royal Family and trusted consort to the new king.

What Causes and Patronages Does Queen Camilla Support?

Queen Camilla has used her high profile royal role to bring attention to a number of social issues and organizations she feels passionate about, including:


  • Patron of Literacy Trust – Supporting literacy programs for disadvantaged children. Regularly visits schools, libraries and charities related to reading.
  • Patron of BookTrust – Donates books to underprivileged children and funds literacy projects. Strong advocate for youth reading and access to books.
  • Patron of Wicked Young Writers Awards – Annual award to celebrate young talented writers/ involvement with shortlisting entries and presenting prizes
  • Promotes Love of Reading – Visits schools to read to children. Wants all youth, especially those with setbacks, to have the Power of reading.

Poverty and Deprivation

  • Patron of Emmaus UK – Supports the homeless. Volunteers at shelters. Donates household items from palaces to help those in need.
  • Patron of Garden House Hospice Care – Raises funds and awareness for end of life care for those who cannot afford it. Regular visits.
  • Patron of Wilton Community Land Trust – Affordable housing group. Camilla opened their first housing development for low income families. Strong advocate.
  • Food Poverty and Waste – Draws attention to food deprivation and surplus food redistribution schemes. Connects food retailers and anti-hunger charities.

Support for Sexual Abuse Victims

  • Patron of SafeLives – Domestic violence victims. Raises awareness, meets survivors, campaigns against “honor” based violence.
  • Patron of Rape Crisis Centers – Meets staff, volunteers, listens to survivor experiences. Working to end sexual violence and help victims.
  • Patron of SurvivorsUK – Male rape and sexual abuse victims. Working to raise awareness and provide services.
  • Frank Discussion – Has spoken openly and créated diaogue about taboo topics like coercive control and marital rape. Advocating for victims.

Health Causes

  • Patron of National Osteoporosis Society – Promotes prevention, diagnosis and treatment of brittle bone disease which affects 3.5M in UK.
  • Patron of Friends of Erskine – Supports Scottish veterans hospitals & cares for injured servicemen & women.
  • Promotes Alternative Therapies – Advocates holistic healing like homeopathy, aromatherapy, chiropractic. Some controversy over unproven methods.
  • Supporter of Medical Research – Has made donations to cancer research groups like Maggie’s Centres and visited specialized medical facilities.

Through her wide range of patronages and charitable activities, Queen Camilla has made a significant impact by lending her efforts and royal profile to causes close to her heart. Her work has benefited many disadvantaged groups.

What Are Queen Camilla’s Hobbies and Interests?

In her limited private time outside of royal duties, Queen Camilla enjoys pursuing a number of hobbies and interests, including:


  • Known for her love of gardens, plants and flowers.
  • Enjoys hands-on gardening outdoors as much as possible.
  • Particularly interested in organic gardening and heirloom varieties.
  • Has designed and planted elaborate gardens at royal residences.


  • Avid fiction and non-fiction reader.
  • Favorite genres include historical novels, literary fiction, biography.
  • As literacy patron, reading with children is a key interest.
  • Book clubs are a passion. Formed first all-female book club decades ago.

Arts & Crafts

  • Enjoys many arts like pottery, painting, sculpting.
  • Member of local arts council who exhibits works.
  • Practices crafts like embroidery, knitting, needlepoint.
  • Often visits galleries, artist studios, craft fairs.


  • Loves cooking and learned as a child. Makes elaborate meals for family.
  • Authored own cookbook, continuing royal family tradition.
  • Specialty in traditional British meals but enjoys exploring world cuisine.
  • Particularly fond of making homemade dishes with fresh, local ingredients.

Animals and Wildlife

  • Longtime animal lover, from childhood pony to current Jack Russell terriers.
  • Avid horseback rider and former amateur jockey.
  • Supports many animal welfare charities.
  • Concerned with wildlife conservation and protection causes.

Queen Camilla’s hobbies reflect her down-to-earth personality and appetite for learning. Gardening, reading, arts, cooking and animals fill her time outside demanding royal duties and provide balance.

What Are Some Interesting and Fun Facts About Queen Camilla?

Beyond her royal role, Queen Camilla has some fascinating bits of history and trivia in her personal life, including:

  • Born Camilla Shand, she was part of the aristocracy as daughter of a British Army officer and socialite mother.
  • Was a debutante in 1965 and named “Deb of the Year” by society magazine.
  • She and Prince Charles met at a polo match in 1970 and bonded over their love of horses.
  • Her great-grandmother, Alice Keppel, was a mistress of King Edward VII – Camilla inherited the same crown worn by Keppel.
  • She was married to cavalry officer Andrew Parker Bowles for over 20 years and raised their two children together.
  • Camilla worked various jobs before her royal life: secretary, decorator, gallery owner. She founded her own retail firm.
  • She has a personal wealth of over £5 million from familymoney & divorce settlement. This pales compared to the £100+ million net worth she shares with Charles.
  • She prefers simple feminine fashion – skirts over pants, silk scarves, classic styling with hats. Never overdressed or gaudy.
  • Along with horseback riding, she enjoys tennis, walking, yoga. Her athletic hobby helps Camilla stay active into her 70s.
  • She is an avid fan of British television like soap operas and comedies. Enjoys The Archers radio program.
  • Camilla is president or patron of over 90 charities and often takes personal interest in their activities.
  • Though she travels worldwide, she prefers relaxing country pursuits in England like gardening and rambling.

Her background and interests reveal Queen Camilla’s warm personality behind the royal title. She retains diverse passions and pursuits alongside dedicated royal service.

What is Queen Camilla’s Relationship Like With the Rest of the Royal Family?

By all accounts, Queen Camilla has a very positive relationship with most members of the British Royal Family today:

With King Charles III – A true love match, they have a warm, affectionate marriage of kindred spirits despite a turbulent history. Partners in passion for service.

With Prince William & Kate – She has grown close with her stepson William and his wife. Shared interests like polo and seeing grandchildren unite them.

With Prince Harry & Meghan – Some tensions reported over Harry’s 2021 interview but overall still friendly. Bonded over causes like sexual abuse victims.

With Queen Mother Elizabeth II – Had a close bond of respect and affection. The Queen formally endorsed Camilla as her daughter-in-law in public statements.

With Queen Consort Sophie – Gets along well with former commoner Sophie Rhys-Jones, married to Prince Edward. Both adapted smoothly to royal life.

With Princesses Beatrice & Eugenie – Enjoys a warm friendship with Prince Andrew’s daughters. Goes on joint public engagements supporting charities together.

With Zara Tindall – Joins granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth in their shared love of horses and racing. Close relationship as fellow equestrians.

With Princess Anne – Developed an amiable relationship as sisters-in-law. Attend events together despite being very different personalities.

With Minor Royals – Has a genial relationship with her many royal in-laws like Duke of Kent, Gloucester, formal but friendly.

With Royal Staff – Beloved by palace staff and workers who see Camilla as kind, undemanding, and personal in her interactions with them.

Overall, Queen Camilla has cultivated largely positive relationships across the Royal Family, from in-laws to grandchildren. This network of support has helped her take on the demands of royal duties and public life successfully.

What is Queen Camilla’s Background Before Marrying into the Royal Family?

Queen Camilla comes from an upper-class background and first met Prince Charles decades before becoming his second wife. Key facts about her pre-royal life include:

  • Born Camilla Rosemary Shand in 1947 to a British Army officer father, Major Bruce Shand, and socialite mother, Rosalind Cubitt. Part of the aristocracy.
  • Raised primarily at the Shands’ country estate in East Sussex with sister Annabel and brother Mark. Enjoyed horses, dogs and the outdoors.
  • Was educated at Queen’s Gate School in London, finishing schools in Switzerland, and the Institut Britannique in France.
  • Debuted as a debutante in 1965 and was named “Deb of the Year” by society magazine. Part of elite social scene.
  • Met Prince Charles at a polo match in 1970. They became close friends and eventually romantic partners over decades.
  • Married cavalry officer Andrew Parker Bowles in 1973. Had two children, Tom and Laura, during their marriage which ended in 1995.
  • Worked various jobs like decorator, gallery owner and founded a high-end stationery company before marrying Charles.
  • Maintained discreet five-year affair with Charles during his marriage to Diana before scandal went public in early 1990s.
  • Married Charles in civil ceremony in 2005 after years of living together. Granted titles Duchess of Cornwall and Princess of Wales which she does not use.

Camilla’s background as minor landed gentry who moved in royal social circles prepared her for the demands of becoming consort to the future king later in life.

What Was Queen Camilla’s First Wedding to Andrew Parker Bowles Like?

Long before her royal wedding to Prince Charles, Queen Camilla was first married to Andrew Parker Bowles in 1973. Their wedding highlights included:

  • The ceremony took place on July 4, 1973 at the Roman Catholic Chapel of St James’s Palace in London.
  • Their guest list of over 500 included royalty like Princess Anne, Queen Mother Elizabeth, and other elites.
  • Camilla wore a simple wispy gown designed by British couturier Bellville Sassoon with a partial veil.
  • Her bridesmaids included her sister Annabel Elliot, friend Lucia Santa Cruz, and daughter of Lord Margadale.
  • The best man was Andrew’s brother, Simon Parker Bowles.
  • It was a society wedding of the year with lavish reception at London hotel.
  • They honeymooned on a 6 week cruise around the Mediterranean and Greek islands.
  • After marrying, the couple lived in several English country estates over the years while raising their two children.

The glamorous society wedding united two members of upper-class military families, though it ended in divorce over twenty years later.

What Was Queen Camilla’s Relationship Like With Princess Diana?

Camilla’s relationship with her predecessor Princess Diana was complex. As the two most important women in Charles’ life, there were naturally tensions but eventually some degree of civility:

  • Diana was aware of Camilla early in her courtship with Charles and viewed her as a romantic rival.
  • After Charles and Diana’s fairy tale wedding in 1981, Camilla remained close with Charles and was a source of marital strife.
  • Diana famously referred to Camilla as the “third person” in her marriage to Charles in a 1995 BBC interview.
  • The revelation of an affair between Charles and Camilla contributed to his divorce from Diana in 1996.
  • After Diana’s tragic death in 1997, Camilla initially faced animosity from the public as the “other woman.”
  • She remained Charles’ companion but stayed out of the public eye for years due to sensitivities about Diana’s legacy.
  • Over time, Charles and Camilla’s relationship became more accepted. By the 2000s, Camilla occasionally met and interacted cordially with William and Harry.
  • Public statements were made prior to Charles and Camilla’s wedding asking that Diana not be forgotten but Camilla accepted.
  • Today there is more goodwill, with Camilla filling some of Diana’s former patronages and ensuring her memory lives on positively.

While the shadow of Diana still looms, open animosity between the two women softened over time. Camilla has made efforts to honor her memory while still doing her royal duties.

What Was Queen Camilla’s Second Wedding To Prince Charles Like in 2005?

When Camilla and Charles remarried in 2005, the ceremony contained many unique elements:

  • Small civil ceremony held at Windsor Guildhall on April 9 rather than big church wedding.
  • Only 28 guests including Prince William, Tom Parker Bowles, Queen Elizabeth II, and Duchess of Cornwall’s ex-husband.
  • Camilla wore a pale blue chiffon gown with matching coat by Robinson Valentine and wide-brimmed Philip Treacy hat.
  • The newlyweds had a church blessing at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle afterward.
  • The Queen did not attend church blessing but signaled acceptance by hosting reception for couples at Windsor Castle.
  • Public kiss photo call took place back at Guildhall after the civil ceremony, their first public kiss.
  • The couple spent their wedding night at Birkhall on Balmoral estate in Scotland before honeymoon overseas.
  • International honeymoon included trip to Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean off east coast of Africa.

The smaller second wedding reflected the couple’s maturity and the sensitivities of Camilla taking on the role of royal consort as a divorcée.


In summary, Queen Camilla’s background as a member of British high society prepared her for royal duties later in life. Her varied life experiences, discretion during tribulations, strength of character under pressure, and sincere commitment to service make her an excellent consort and working member of the royal family. She has overcome past negative stigma to become a well-regarded figure and supportive wife to the new King Charles III. While Camilla does not have any biological children, through marriage she has come to play an influential role in the lives of the heirs to the throne, Princes William and Harry. Overall, her deep love for King Charles triumphing despite controversy, combined with Camilla’s charm, intellect, and determination to use her platform for good, depict a realistic but inspiring royal figure for the modern age. Her journey shows that with patience and dedication, almost any obstacle can be surmounted.

Frequently Asked Questions About Queen Camilla

How old was Camilla when she married Prince Charles?

Camilla was 57 years old when she married Prince Charles in 2005. Charles was 56 at the time of their wedding.

What was Camilla’s marital status before marrying Charles?

Camilla was divorced from her first husband, Andrew Parker Bowles, when she wed Prince Charles. Their divorce was finalized in 1995 after over 20 years of marriage.

Why didn’t Camilla use the title Princess of Wales?

Though Camilla is technically the Princess of Wales as wife of the Prince of Wales, she uses the title Duchess of Cornwall out of respect for her husband’s late first wife Diana, who was the beloved Princess of Wales.

Does Queen Camilla have royal ancestry?

Camilla does have distant royal ancestry. Her great-grandmother, Alice Keppel, was the mistress of King Edward VII and one of his closest confidantes for a decade.

What was Queen Camilla’s first job before becoming royal?

One of Camilla’s early jobs was working as a secretary for fashion designers. She also worked as an assistant at an interior design firm.

How did the Queen feel about Camilla becoming consort?

Initially the Queen did not approve of Charles and Camilla’s extramarital relationship. However, over time she accepted Camilla and formally endorsed her as future Queen Consort in 2022 as Charles became King.

How long was Camilla mistress to Prince Charles before going public?

Camilla and Charles reportedly carried on discreet affairs during his marriage to Diana for about 5 years in the 1980s before their relationship became public knowledge in the early 1990s.

What are Queen Camilla’s favorite hobbies and interests?

Camilla enjoys gardening, arts like pottery and knitting, reading, cooking, horseback riding, and spending time with her dogs and family.

What issues and causes are most important to Queen Camilla?

Some of Camilla’s main causes are promoting literacy, fighting sexual abuse and domestic violence, supporting the elderly and homeless, animal welfare and promoting holistic healthcare.

What is Queen Camilla’s relationship like with Prince William and Kate?

Camilla is said to have a warm, friendly relationship with her stepson William and his wife Kate. They have bonded over shared interests and Camilla’s relationship with her grandchildren.

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