Nelson Neumann

Nelson Neumann Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Nelson Neumann is a rising social media star. He is also a talented basketball player. He has wowed the internet with his impressive skills and fun videos. Nelson was born on December 18, 2008 in the United States. He has quickly become famous on TikTok. He has over 1.9 million followers on his account, nelsontheprodigy_. At just 16 years old as of 2024, he has already achieved incredible success and is on his way to even greater heights.

His popularity is growing. Fans are curious about his personal life. They want to know his net worth, age, height, weight, and family. So, let’s get to know more about Nelson Neumann and his inspiring story.

Who is Nelson Neumann?

Nelson Neumann is a boy who loves basketball. He makes videos on TikTok, a place on the internet where you can share short movies. Nelson is very good at basketball and shares his playing videos. Lots of people like to watch him, and he has 1.9 million friends there.

He goes to school and plays basketball for a team called JL3 Basketball. Nelson also got famous because many people liked one of his basketball videos. He has a mom, a dad, and two brothers. Nelson likes music and got special shoes on his birthday. He works with a coach named Cam to get even better at basketball.


Full Name:
Nelson Neumann
Born Date:
December 18, 2008
16 years old as of 2024
United States
Real Name

Nelson Neumann’s real name is quite easy to remember because it’s the same as what we call him every day. Yes, his real name is actually Nelson Neumann! You might have a name that people call you at school or home. Nelson’s family, friends, and everyone else also call him by his real name.

When you see his cool basketball videos or hear about him, just remember this. Nelson Neumann is his real name. It’s the one his mom and dad gave him at birth.

Early Life and Education

Nelson Neumann grew up in a family who loves sports, especially basketball. When he was very young, he started playing with basketballs and loved it! Nelson goes to Good Vision Academy. There, he learns math, science, and how to be a good friend.

Besides regular school, he also plays basketball for a special team at school. He practices a lot and learns new basketball tricks every day. Nelson works hard in school and on the basketball court because he wants to be the best he can be.

Parents and siblings.

Nelson has a mom named Cassie and a dad named Spencer. They care a lot about him and love to see him play basketball. Nelson isn’t the only kid in his house. He has two brothers, Noah and Niles. They’re like his teammates, not just in games but in everything they do at home.

Nelson and his brothers have lots of fun together, playing games and sharing stories. His family is very important to him, and they all cheer for each other, no matter what. Nelson feels happy and lucky to have such a loving family.


Nelson Neumann is still very young, and right now, he doesn’t talk much about having a girlfriend. He spends a lot of time playing basketball, making videos, and hanging out with his family and friends. Nelson likes to share parts of his life with people online. But, some things, like if he has a girlfriend, he keeps private.

Just like in stories, characters might have secrets or private adventures. Nelson also has parts of his life he doesn’t share with everyone. Remember, everyone, including Nelson, can choose what to share.

Nelson Neumann physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Nelson Neumann isn’t too tall and not too short. He stands 5 feet 7 inches height. His weight is 68kg, which is just right for someone who plays a lot of basketball and stays active. Imagine holding five medium-sized pumpkins; that’s how much his weight would be!

Nelson’s body is strong and fit because he practices basketball so much. It helps him run fast, jump high, and shoot the ball really well. Just like a superhero, he uses his strength to do amazing things in his sport.

Nelson Neumann Before Fame

Long before Nelson Neumann became famous on TikTok, he was just a kid who loved basketball. He started playing when he was very young, bouncing the ball and shooting hoops in his backyard. Nelson always dreamed of playing basketball like the stars he watched on TV.

He practiced every day after school, learning to dribble and shoot better. His family watched him play and always cheered him on. They could tell he had a special talent for the game. He didn’t know he would be famous one day; he just wanted to play the sport he loved so much.

Nelson Neumann Career

Nelson Neumann is a young star who loves basketball. He makes fun videos for TikTok, where lots of people watch him play. Nelson is part of a basketball team called JL3 Basketball. He got really famous when a lot of people liked one of his basketball videos. It was super cool and got more than 2 million views!

Nelson works hard at basketball and learns from his coach, Cam Wilder, to be even better. Every day, he practices shooting hoops and dribbling, hoping to be a great player. He’s just getting started, but he’s already doing awesome things!

The financial aspect: net worth.

Nelson Neumann is like a superhero in basketball and making fun videos. People really enjoy watching him play and laugh. Because he’s so good and many people watch his videos, he has saved up a lot of money. Imagine a big piggy bank; Nelson’s piggy bank is almost filled with $2 million!

That’s like if you saved up all your birthday money, but a lot, lot more. He got this money by being great at what he loves. He loves playing basketball and making everyone smile with his videos.

Nelson Neumann: A Famous Reason

Nelson Neumann became really popular because of a basketball video he shared. In the video, he was trying to get the ball to the basket, but someone was trying to stop him. Despite that, he did something amazing that made people say “Wow!”

Over 2 million people watched this video and thought it was super cool. That’s why many people started to know who Nelson is. They liked watching him play basketball and do fun tricks.

Nelson Neumann’s nationality and religion.

Nelson Neumann was born in the United States, so he is American. America is a big country with lots of different people. Just like we might have a favorite ice cream flavor, people in America come from many backgrounds.

As for Nelson’s beliefs and his religion, they’re like having a favorite color. It’s special to each person. He might have his own beliefs, just like you might prefer blue or pink, but he keeps that part of his life private.

Nelson Neumann Social Media

Nelson Neumann is really popular on TikTok, a place on the internet where you can watch short, fun videos. He has a TikTok account named nelsontheprodigy_. He shares videos of himself playing basketball and doing tricks.

Imagine showing your friends a fun magic trick. That’s what Nelson does, but with basketball. Lots of people, like 1.9 million, enjoy watching his videos and they follow him to see more. He likes to make everyone smile with his videos.

Nelson Neumann Legacy and Impact

Nelson Neumann is like a bright star in the world of basketball and TikTok. Even though he’s young, he’s showing everyone how fun and exciting basketball can be. By sharing his videos, Nelson helps other kids believe that they can do great things too, no matter how old they are.

He’s like a superhero on the basketball court. Nelson loves the game and works hard. His love and work are like seeds. They will grow into more love and joy in the hearts of those who watch him.

Nelson Neumann Future Plains

Nelson has big dreams for when he gets older. He wants to keep playing basketball and maybe one day play for a really big team. He also thinks about making even more fun videos that more people can watch and enjoy. Nelson wants to learn new tricks in basketball and share them with everyone.

Plus, he dreams of helping other kids learn to play basketball too. He thinks it would be cool to travel to new places and meet more friends who love basketball just like he does. Nelson’s future is full of fun plans and big dreams!


  • Nelson loves playing basketball. He plays a lot and even shares videos on TikTok.

  • He enjoys listening to music. His favorite songs are by artists like Gunna and Lil Baby.

  • Nelson likes surprises from his mom. For his 15th birthday, he got cool shoes.

  • He spends time making TikTok videos. This is fun for him and he gets to be creative.

  • Hanging out with his brothers, Noah and Niles, is something Nelson really enjoys. They probably play games together.

  • Nelson also likes learning new basketball moves. He practices a lot to get better.

Interesting Facts About Nelson Neumann

  • Nelson was born on December 18, 2008.

  • He loves playing basketball and makes cool videos.

  • Nelson has a big following of 1.9 million people on TikTok.

  • He got super famous for a basketball video in June 2023.

  • His mom and dad’s names are Cassie and Spencer.

  • Nelson has two brothers, Noah and Niles.

  • For his 15th birthday, he got special Adidas shoes from his mom.

  • He once made a TikTok with music by Gunna and Lil Baby.

  • Nelson is not very tall, he’s 5 feet 7 inches.

  • He is coached by a social media star named Cam Wilder.


What’s Nelson’s favorite sport?

Basketball! He loves playing it and makes fun videos about it.

How old is Nelson?

He’s 16 years old in 2024.

Does Nelson have any brothers?

Yes, he has two brothers named Noah and Niles.

What did Nelson get for his 15th birthday?

His mom surprised him with cool Adidas shoes!

Who helps Nelson get better at basketball?

Cam Wilder, a star on social media, coaches him.

How tall is Nelson?

He’s 5 feet 7 inches tall.

What’s special about Nelson on TikTok?

He has a lot of friends there, 1.9 million! And his basketball video was super liked by lots of people.


In the end, Nelson Neumann is a really cool kid who loves basketball a lot. He shares awesome videos on TikTok and has lots of people following him. He’s still young but has big dreams for playing basketball in the future. Nelson has a loving family with his mom, dad, and two brothers who support him.

He’s also super lucky to have cool shoes and a coach who helps him get better at basketball. Nelson shows us that if you work hard and have fun, you can do amazing things, even when you’re still a kid. Keep an eye on Nelson; he’s going to do big things!

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