Auli’i Cravalho: The Journey of a Child Star

Auli’i Cravalho was born on November 22, 2000 in Kohala, Hawaii. Her mother, Puanani Cravalho, worked as a office manager, and her father, Michael Cravalho, was a deputy with the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources.

Auli’i grew up in a small town on the Big Island of Hawaii. From a young age, she loved to sing and perform. She was also an avid reader and did well in school. At age 14, Auli’i landed the lead role of Moana in Disney’s film, catapulting her into the spotlight.

What was Auli’i Cravalho’s upbringing like in Hawaii?

Auli’i grew up in the small town of Kohala on Hawaii’s Big Island. Kohala is a rural area with a population of around 6,500 people. She had an average upbringing and attended Kohala High School. Her parents worked regular jobs to support the family.

Even from a young age, Auli’i stood out for her singing talent and outgoing personality. She performed in local musical productions before being cast in her breakout role as the voice of Moana. Overall, she had a happy but modest childhood before becoming famous as a Disney child star.

Landing the Role of a Lifetime

In 2016, 14-year old Auli’i Cravalho beat out hundreds of other girls for the coveted role of Moana in Disney’s animated film. Moana was Disney’s first Polynesian princess, and they searched far and wide to find the perfect girl to portray the adventurous, tenacious character.

What made Auli’i the perfect fit for Moana?

Auli’i embodied everything the filmmakers were looking for in Moana. Here’s what made her stand out:

  • Her Polynesian heritage: As a native Hawaiian, Auli’i connected deeply with Moana’s culture and spirit. This authenticity was crucial.
  • Her vocal talent: Auli’i possessed a tremendous voice with flawless tone and control. She was able to handle singing intricate songs in multiple languages.
  • Her confidence and grit: During the auditions, the casting team saw a presence and fearlessness about Auli’i that aligned with Moana’s daring personality.
  • Her youth: Since the character was 14 years old, it was important to find an actual 14-year-old who could bring the right energy and relatability to the role.

Essentially, Auli’i had the entire package – the right cultural background, an incredible singing voice, natural charisma and confidence, and the perfect age. All of this made her the ideal fit to bring Moana vividly to life.

Mentors During Moana

To guide her through the process of making such a major motion picture, Auli’i had help from some big names in the entertainment industry:

  • Lin-Manuel Miranda – The Tony award-winning composer and songwriter behind Moana’s music
  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson – The voice actor behind demigod Maui in the film
  • Ron Clements and John Musker – The acclaimed directors of Moana as well as other Disney hits like Aladdin and The Little Mermaid

With these experienced stars providing guidance and support, Auli’i was able to handle the pressures of Hollywood. Their mentorship assisted her transition from small-town amateur actress to lead star of a huge blockbuster film.

How did landing the Moana role change Auli’i Cravalho’s life?

Landing the title role in a Disney animated film completely transformed Auli’i Cravalho’s life:

  • Rocket to stardom: She went from ordinary teenager to globally famous star overnight.
  • Opportunities galore: Doors opened for major projects, endorsements, talk show appearances, etc.
  • Financial security: As Moana grossed nearly $250 million, Auli’i and her family gained financial stability.
  • Recognition and acclaim: She won breakthrough awards and was praised for her cultural impact in representing Polynesians on screen.
  • Inspiring others: She became a aspirational figure for young girls, especially in minority communities.

So in many ways, this role represented a “Cinderella” moment, taking Auli’i from a humble background to fame and fortune almost instantly. Landing Moana made her an icon for children around the world to look up to and relate to.

Voice Acting as Moana

Bringing Moana to life was highly demanding yet rewarding process for the 14-year old rookie voice actress. She carried the responsibility of portraying Moana’s personality and story in an impactful, compelling way.

What vocal techniques did Auli’i Cravalho use during production?

As lead actress, Auli’i relied on advanced acting and singing techniques during long hours in the recording studio:

  • Breathing exercises: Maintained stamina and vocal strength through controlled breathing
  • Vocal warm ups: Used scales and humming to loosen up her voice
  • Emotion and intention: Added layers of emotion and motivation into her line reads
  • Chemistry building: Developed a natural rapport with costars during joint sessions
  • Sight reading: Quickly adapted to last-minute script changes
  • Song refining: Iterated repeatedly on musical numbers to polish them
  • Language precision: Articulated fictional Polynesian language convincingly

With directors pushing her to get the best takes possible, her vocal training and musical theater background were invaluable assets inside the recording booth.

Key Moana Songs

Some of the iconic Moana songs that Auli’i brought to life include:

  • “How Far I’ll Go” – The soaring ballad to discover her true calling
  • “You’re Welcome” – The cheeky banter with demigod Maui
  • “We Know The Way” – Joyful tune from her ancestors about wayfinding
  • “I Am Moana” – The powerful realization that she is the chosen one

Her versatile vocal range let her perform all these songs convincingly while conveying a gamut of emotions from tentative to confident to defiant.

How many languages did Auli’i sing in for Moana?

Auli’i sang in a total of five languages over the course Moana production:

1. English – Primary language for most of the tracks 2. Spanish – “How Far I’ll Go” Spanish version 3. Japanese – Special Japanese soundtrack release 4. Tahitian – Background lyrics and phrases 5. Tokelauan – Incorporated Tokelauan dialogue

Mastering this array of languages at just 14 years old was remarkable. It showcased both Auli’i’s talent as a multilingual singer and also her dedication to represent Pacific Islander cultures properly in the film for audiences worldwide.

Post-Moana Career and Projects

Moana catapulted Auli’i Cravalho into an entertainment career that continues flourishing today. Now in young adulthood, she leverages her name recognition and fanbase from that breakthrough role for more ambitious creative pursuits across various media.

Table: Major Post-Moana Projects

Year Project Details
2017 Voice of Lena in The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Upcoming animated musical film based on the novel
2019 Starred as Ariel in The Little Mermaid Live! Played lead role in ABC live television special
2021 Appeared in Ryman’s Alley YouTube sci-fi series by Dwayne Johnson’s company
2022 Cohosted the Electric Picnic music festival Major event in Ireland with over 70,000 attendees

What causes and charities has Auli’i Cravalho championed?

Giving back has been important for Auli’i now that she has a major platform. Some of the key organizations she actively supports are:

Hawaii Children’s Cancer Foundation: Funds medical treatment and assistance programs for pediatric cancer patients

We Day: Youth empowerment events organized by WE Charity promoting service

WhyHunger: Fights to end hunger through grassroots support of food banks and other nonprofits

EQUAL: Advances gender equality, with a focus on music and media industries

For Auli’i, these charities connect deeply with causes close to her background and values around family, community, diversity, and using your voice to help others. Her philanthropic work demonstrates great maturity and shows she wants to make a positive difference alongside her creative endeavors.

Looking Ahead

At just 23 years old currently, Auli’i Cravalho still likely has her biggest career achievements ahead of her. While forever known as the iconic voice of Moana, she continues gaining new fans through her music, acting projects, and advocacy.

Potential Next Milestones

Based on her talents and trajectory so far, here are some future milestones that seem within reach:

  • Release a full-length solo album
  • Star in a Hollywood romantic comedy film
  • Perform as a lead or prominent role on Broadway
  • Win a major industry award (Grammy, Emmy, Oscar, etc)
  • Direct social impact creative projects spotlighting underrepresented voices

The entertainment world is filled with endless possibilities for this multitalented Polynesian performer and role model. Her positive influence through family-friendly stories will resonate for generations to come. At this rate, it’s only matter of time until Auli’i Cravalho becomes a household name beyond just the Moana fame.


In conclusion, Auli’i Cravalho represents one of the most extraordinary real-life Cinderella stories in recent memory. At just 14 years old, she rose from obscurity to global fame seemingly overnight after landing the lead voice role in Disney’s Moana. Performing the songs and persona of the first ever Polynesian princess left an indelible impact worldwide.

Now a stunning, stylish, and increasingly versatile young adult crossover talent, her future shines brightly across entertainment. The same grit, confidence, and cultural pride she brought to Moana persist driving her ambition. Expect Auli’i to continue leveraging her platform to uplift minority communities while melting hearts with her infectious smile. Whether acting, singing, or philanthropizing, she embodies positivity, progress and the vibrant spirit of the Pacific Islands.

Frequently Asked Questions About Auli’i Cravalho

Here are answers to some common questions people have about this breakout star:

Is Auli’i Cravalho still acting?

Yes, Auli’i remains steadily involved in acting, singing and hosting over the past 7 years since Moana. She continues landing prominent voice acting, theater and television roles. Now in her early 20s, her career persists gaining momentum.

What is Auli’i Cravalho’s vocal range?

According to reports, Auli’i possesses a tremendous 3-octave soprano vocal range. This rare breadth lets her dynamically sing across multiple genres from low gutteral belts to soaring high soprano notes.

Is Auli’i Cravalho married?

No, as of late 2022 Auli’i Cravalho is not married yet at 22 years old currently. In the past she has dated both boys and girls, coming out as bisexual back in 2018 during Pride month celebrations. But so far she has not had any long-term confirmed relationships.

What is Auli’i Cravalho’s net worth?

Estimates place Auli’i Cravalho’s current net worth around $3 million. The vast majority of her earnings still originate from Moana. With her career actively continuing, she likely has potential to expand her wealth substantially through future music, films, endorsements, and other entertainment work.

What singing competitions has Auli’i Cravalho been on?

She has yet to participate as a contestant on any major televised singing competitions. But she has performed special duets on programs like Dancing With The Stars and America’s Got Talent: The Champions. Her vocal talents did receive national exposure during 2016 as a contestant on American Idol’s farewell season.

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